Frequently Asked Questions
I can Mirror Write - is it the same as Mirror Reading?
Mirror Reading and Writing are not the same.
But a few of the skills involved in both overlap.
Mirror Writing is the ability to write in reversed text - with varying degrees of 'proficiency'. Many of us mirrored our letters as we learned how to write. Researchers today recognize that doing so is very normal.
Sometimes people may begin mirror writing after a brain injury, however, it is not generally considered a disability.
In fact mirror writing skills may signal valuable perceptual and language-production abilities - check out YouTube videos of people mirror writing with both hands!

What is Mirror Reading?
The ability to decode text that is presented in mirror-reverse. Mirror Reading requires skills that are different from ordinary reading - for example, mental rotation and spatial transformation.
Mirror Reading ability increases with practice.
If I practice Mirror Reading, what will happen?
Researchers around the world are exploring Mirror Reading as a complex cognitive skill set. Mirror reading practice promotes grey-matter growth in right-brain regions associated with mental rotation and spatial transformation. Mirror Reading practice is also linked to working memory and procedural memory increases. Now, the race is on to investigate the full benefits of this intriguing skill set.
How can I practice my Mirror Reading Skills?
Lots of ways! Explore the Mirror Web app on iTunes
- discover the Mirror Browser that turns the Internet around!
- explore Mirror Extensions in Safari, Chrome and Mozilla
- download the Mirror Read app and transform learning into a game
- spend some time Mirror Messaging someone you like
- create backwards t-shirts to read when you look in a mirror
- check back on this site frequently for tips and suggestions to develop your abilities.
Who can benefit from mirror reading?
Everyone! Teachers, Parents, Students, Elders, Reading Professionals, Cognitive Researchers, and everyone around the world who is looking to transform the ways they read - in any language.
How do I get involved in research on Mirror Reading?
Great question! :) Please write us: We would be happy to give you more information about how you can contribute to new learning in this fascinating area of study.
Any more questions?
We would be happy to consult. Please write:
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